What helps motivate you, here is one big reason I try to “go green”

When it comes to where some of my thoughts come into play, I think back on my days in grade school where we would watch old “the world of the future” videos. I always thought it was cool how technology would create this potentially perfect world. And if you go back only 25 years, the world has changed dramatically. That said, the featured image is the view I have to see every day while driving to work. I drive by the local dump since it’s on the main road on my way to work. There is a smell, and the dump is huge. It easily takes up a few city blocks, there is a smell every time I drive by it, and it just seems to get bigger and bigger. This daily reminder sets the tone of the day and reminds me that I need to do my part to stop this from getting any bigger, how large of a disposable world we really live in, and has me think at times what actions I can take in order to reduce my impact.

Author: liukonen

Full time software developer, part time maker, and tinkerer

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